Deep Desire
₹1,999.00This aesthetically created bouquet feeds your soul and uplifts your mood. It contains white, red, and yellow Asiatic lilies, red, and yellow roses wrapped in… -
Pink Exotica
₹1,499.00This bouquet is charming, a special surprise for the one you love. Wrapped up in pink and tied beautifully with a ribbon, the oriental beauty… -
A Hat Trick
₹4,499.00Make romantic memories last forever with this intoxicating and classic bouquet of 100 fragrant red roses wrapped in contrasting yellow cellophane and tied with a… -
Berried Brilliance
₹1,099.00A dark chocolate cake topped with Strawberries. Can it get any better? Elements: 1Kg Chocolate Cake -
Tempered Temptation
₹1,199.00Soft Chocolate Cake for the more measured ones. Balanced, Tempered, Easy. Gift this for a quick nibble while on her way out or for that… -
₹1,199.00Chocolate Here, there and everywhere. Chocolate makes us forget worries, make us feel good about ourselves and live the moment. Pretty much how life should… -
Pineapple Palate
₹1,099.00Vanilla cake topped up with Pineapple shreds. Pineapple, for that much required tang in the cake and your lives. -
₹1,049.00A Vanilla cake with chocolate shred bordering. So that you nibble into it sideways. -
Vanilla Vanity
₹999.00For the ones who want to keep it simple. For the ones who want it uncomplicated. A dainty vanilla cake always is the best thing… -
Sumptuous Berry
₹999.00The El Classico in the world of Cakes. This sumptous strawberry cake has been an etermal favourite for the ladies and when in doubt, be…